Branchline stocks a wide range of different track brands, pre-eminent being Hornby, Peco, and Kato.
Hornby supplies a range of fixed-shape OO and TT Gauge track that can be used to extend on the layouts provided in their train sets. The track can be adapted into permanent layouts and blended with other compatible track ranges from other brands later if theuser decides.
Peco supplies a range of OO Gauge Setrack which geometrically matches up to Hornby's. Ontop of this Peco supplies several other ranges of 'Setrack' and Flexible 'Streamline' track in a huge array of model railway gauges, ideal for any layout.
Kato supplies a range of fixed-shape track in both N and HO gauge. Their track comes fixed on a preformed ballasted base whith excellent build quality and durability. This gives its users the ability to build up and pack away large train sets with ease. However this track is also perfectly well suited to permanent layouts, with a huge range of geometric options much larger than the other brands.
All gauges and scales are catered for and a range of accessories including point motors, control switches and wiring plus a good selection of how-to books.Be sure to diligently checkthe gauge and profile or the track you are selecting when purchasing from this store, and if you have any questions about how to build/ use these ranges feel free to message the store or give usa call.
- N Track Packs (14)
- N Straight Track (11)
- N Curved Track (13)
- N Turnouts and Crossings (10)
- N Double Track (15)
- N Bridges (33)
- N Viaduct Track (15)
- N Road Crossings and Signals (3)
- N Bumper Track (6)
- N Electric Turntable (4)
- N Compact Track (5)
- N Catenary Poles (5)
- HO Unitrack (39)
- Unitrack Accessories (28)
- Narrow Gauge Unitrack (OO-9 or HO-e) (5)
- HO/OO Setrack Code 100 (32)
- HO/OO Streamline Code 100 (37)
- HO Streamline 83 Line (14)
- HO/OO Streamline Finescale Code 75 (29)
- HO/OO Stramline Bullhead Code 75 (10)
- HO/OO Streamline 70 Line (5)
- N Setrack Code 80 (24)
- N Streamline Code 80 (12)
- N Streamline Finescale Code 55 (25)
- TT:120 Code 55 (19)
- O Flat Bottom Code 143 (5)
- O Bullhead Code 124 (16)
- On30 Streamline Code 100 (5)
- HOm Streamline Code 75 (1)
- HOn3 Streamline Code 70 (3)
- OO-9 Setrack Code 80 (4)
- OO-9 Streamline Code 80 (9)
- Z Streamline Code 60 (2)
AMRI 1-0401 HO Gauge Cork Underlay (5pcs, 900mm total)
AMRIAMRI 1-0404 N Gauge Cork Underlay (5pcs, 900mm total)
AMRIHornby R 070 Motorised Turntable
HORNBYDrive the locomotive onto the turntable, then switch the power from track to turntable via the 'on-on' lever switch R046 (supplied with the set).Yo...
View full detailsHornby R 083 Buffer Stop
HORNBYThis Plastic Buffer Stop clips to both straight or curved tracks and measures at 44mm.
Hornby R 394 Hydraulic Buffer Stop
HORNBYThis Hydraulic Buffer Stop comes complete with spring-loaded buffers and clips to both a straight or curved track.
Hornby R 600 Straight Track
HORNBYHornby Straight Track piece, measuring in at 168mm in length.
Hornby R 604 Curve - 1st Radius
HORNBY1st radius (371mm) standard curve arc, covering an angle of 22.5°.
Hornby R 605 Double Curve - 1st Radius
HORNBY1st Radius (371mm) double curve arc, covering an angle of 45°.
Hornby R 606 2nd Radius Curve Pack
HORNBYThis blister pack contains 4x R606 2nd Radius Curve pieces.Each piece measures at 2nd Radius 438mm and has an arc of 22.5°.
Hornby R 607 Double Curve - 2nd Radius
HORNBYThis track has a radius of 438mm, arc of 45° and a length of 380mm.
Hornby R 608 Curve - 3rd Radius
HORNBYThis track has a radius of 505mm and arc of 22.5°.
Hornby R 609 Double Curve - 3rd Radius
HORNBYThe Double Curve - 3rd Radius track has a radius of 505mm, arc of 45° and measures at 405mm in length.
Hornby R 610 Quarter Straight
HORNBYThe Quarter Straight track piece has a length of 38mm.
Hornby R 614 Diamond Crossing - Left Hand
HORNBYLength of 168mm x 181mm and angle of 22.5°. For parallel tracks use with 22.5° section curve or point.
Hornby R 615 Diamond Crossing - Right Hand
HORNBYLength of 168mm x 181mm and angle of 22.5°. For parallel tracks use with 22.5° section curve or point.
Hornby R 617 Uncoupling Ramp
HORNBYThis spring-loaded ramp clips into straight track at the position you choose, and automatically lifts couplings when the train is halted over the r...
View full detailsHornby R 618 Double Isolating Track
HORNBYThis Double Isolating Track has a length of 168mm, a black painted finish and is used to isolate track sections over both rails.
Hornby R 620 Railer/Uncoupler
HORNBYThe special Hornby coupling unit allows rolling stock to be connected together, or separated, without having to be touched by hand. If fitted at th...
View full detailsHornby R 628 Half Curve (33") Large Radius
HORNBYThe Half Curve (33") Large Radius track has a Radius of 852mm, arc of 11.25° and measures at 180mm in length. For use with R8076 'Y' Point.
Hornby R 636 Level Crossing, Double Track
HORNBYMeasuring at 168mm in length, this double crossing comes with track mounded into the base at intervals to suit standard Hornby twin-track geometry....
View full detailsHornby R 643 Half Curve - 2nd Radius
HORNBYThis Half Curve - 2nd Radius track measures at 111mm in length, has a Radius of 438mm and an arc of 11.25°.
Hornby R 658 Inclined Piers
HORNBYThis set of seven piers in various heights clip to the underside of Hornby track to create a smooth incline, whether it's straight or curved track....
View full detailsHornby R 660 Elevated Track Sidewalls
HORNBYDesigned to fit curved or straight track on piers R658 and R659.Total length: 1220mm. Elevated Track Running Length The maximum track running...
View full detailsHornby R603 Long Straight Track
HORNBY670mm Hornby Long Straight.